Get instant access to Charla’s
3-step formula to creating color harmony on your canvas
✔ You’ll get a tool checklist
With recommendations on the best palettes and paints.
✔ And a breakdown of the one color
that will lead the charge for your painting.
✔ You’ll learn how to use the lead color
to create charisma and harmony across the canvas.
✔ And find the secret to balance
Neutralize your painting with THIS neat trick.
✔ Plus, learn how to keep a color journal
A recipe of your favorite color mixes you can refer to over and over again!
Get instant access to Charla’s
3-step formula to creating color harmony on your canvas
✔ You’ll get a tool checklist
With recommendations on the best palettes and paints.
✔ And a breakdown of the one color
that will lead the charge for your painting.
✔ You’ll learn how to use the lead color
to create charisma and harmony across the canvas.
✔ And find the secret to balance
Neutralize your painting with THIS neat trick.
✔ Plus, learn how to keep a color journal
A recipe of your favorite color mixes you can refer to over and over again!
Fall in love with your palette, every single time.

I’m Charla
You’re probably here because you love to paint. And you love color (I mean, what’s not to love). And possibly someone told you about me and Bold School and you’re ready to get serious about your art.
Welcome to Bold School – the place where artists play, share, learn, grow, and create art.