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Ep 64 // Exploring Landscapes and New Mediums // Noemie L. Cote

Season #2

You asked; we answered! Welcome to Episode 64 of the Bold Artist Podcast, where we are excited to introduce Bold School’s newest instructor, Noemie L Cote; Bold School’s newest medium, oils; and Bold School’s newest subject matter – landscape painting!  


  • Bold School’s newest instructor shares her background story and how art helped her through dark times to light
  • Marijanel and Noemi discuss the style, technique, and approach of the newest Bold School Bootcamp – Bold Landscape
  • The impressionist style known as Alla Prima is described


Find more about Marijanel and Charla on their websites and Instagram and be sure to check out Bold School and the online courses offered inside this world-changing community.








Licensed Epidemic Music: ES_Emelie by Mondays